The Kind Intentions of God
The Kind Intentions Of God Mp3 Teaching Cds & Mp3S

The Kind Intentions of God

This deeply personal and powerful soaking session led by Graham Cooke is a beautiful reminder of God’s ultimate intention for you.


This is one of the most profound, deeply personal and powerful soakings you will ever experience. The Kind Intentions of God is a gift full of grace and purpose, with Graham delivering an impassioned prophetic word over beautiful piano music from the wonderful Molly Skaggs. This message is a beautiful reminder of God’s ultimate intention for you. It is a brilliant antidote to negative thinking, guaranteed to cause you to rise up and occupy a new place in the Spirit.

Recorded in 2014.

Run time 56 minutes


For an explanation of soaking, read more here:


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Author to more than 20 books & a speaker on more than several thousand stages over the past 40 years, Graham is a breath of fresh air to anyone wanting to know who God really is & how to do daily life with Him. In his message, you'll find a consistent affinity for the nature of God & a love for introducing people to a God far more good than most modern Evangelical thought gives Him credit for. Originally from Manchester, England, Graham now lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife, Theresa.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Me & my daughter going through such a difficult time recently! Both suffering from backache as a result of extreme emotional stress. I had nearly lost my faith, but listened to this, this morning and I think it's saved my life, my faith! I was like a dry sponge soaking this up. Beyond grateful! My daughter listened too and has also been deeply touched. Thank you So much! I intend to listen to this daily.

Jessica Gonzalez
1000 stars

I can’t give a higher recommendation to any sound recording I know. We were going through a very difficult time at the end of 2014 where the Lord was just walking us “off of the map” of the familiarity that I knew. I was pregnant with our third child and I was concerned about how the difficulties we were walking through might be affecting my daughter in the womb. All I could do was get up as Holy Spirit woke me early each morning, go lie on the empty bed in the guest’s room and I would play this soaking and eventually fall back to sleep. After about 3 months of doing that, I had a massive breakthrough one day encountering the Lord in a way that brought me understanding of how to proceed in that season. I received a God-given perspective to hold onto through that time of difficulty and I just attribute it to soaking in the spirit that is present in this recording and renewing my mind to it. The fruit in my daughter is immense. She is very spiritually aware and sensitive so I marvel at that. I wish I still had this soaking in my phone. One of my sons used to love to fall asleep to it. I have since changed phones and lost the recording. I’ve ordered the MP3 but have not been able to get it working so I am back in the bookstore checking to see if it happened to be back on CD! It is not but, by golly, I’m going to get this soaking working back in my phone! If you’re reading this and considering, I hope this soaking blesses you as it has my family!

Cheryl Bonham
My Favorite

This prophetic message is my favorite. It is so intimate. I love hearing the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost speak in the same conversation.

I gave a CD of this message to a woman who's husband was dying of cancer. She said it greatly helped her.

I only wish you would offer it in CD format again. I lost my CD.😢. Can't find it anywhere.

Hi there! So sorry, we do no longer produce this message on CD. But you can still get that as a digital download.

Cheryl Bonham

This recording is so awesome. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each speak. God's great love really comes out in this. I've given this CD to a couple of people, a women who lost her husband to cancer and another woman who is a writer. They both loved it. I love the intimacy God draws you into with Himself.

Anita Byle
Music Distracting

As beautiful as the music is, it is too loud and therefore, too distracting to focus on what Graham is saying.

Thank you for this feedback Anita. This resource was recorded live and spontaneously, and hence didn't have the benefit of a studio to control the sound levels. While this adds a certain level of depth, it can make it more difficult to hear Graham. If you're looking for a devotional CD/MP3 that doesn't have this issue, perhaps consider Thinking With God which was recorded in a studio.

Sophie from Brilliant Book House
