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Book 1 of The Wisdom Series is filled with 52 pieces of wisdom that will refresh and revitalize your devotional life. Devotional time that is lifeless or obligatory is hardly worth having. The Father wants...


Book 2 of The Wisdom Series offers 52 concise phrases, essays, and quotes that will help you cultivate a mindset and lifestyle of peace and rest. Life runs at us headlong and busy, frantic with...


Book 3 of The Wisdom Series offers 52 concise pieces of wisdom to help you cultivate a lifestyle that blends your Kingdom identity and daily circumstances. Wisdom is the power to perceive differently, the ability...


A 3-book series by Graham Cooke that provides a multitude of inspirational and encouraging aphorisms to take with you through your day. Busyness is something that plagues many of us. Whether you’re busy with family...