Enjoying The Journey Mp3 Teaching Cds & Mp3S
Enjoying The Journey Teaching Cds & Mp3S

Enjoying the Journey

A teaching by Graham Cooke that will take you on a joyful and inspirational exposition of the ongoing journey into the pleasure of God. (1-part MP3)


Enjoying the Journey is a joyful, inspirational and heartfelt exposition of the ongoing journey into the pleasure of God. It can be used as a devotional tool that will empower you to relax with joy and see all aspects of your journey through the eyes of the Father. There are brilliant things in store for those who listen, learn, and walk with the Lord!
Run time 59 minutes


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Author to more than 20 books & a speaker on more than several thousand stages over the past 40 years, Graham is a breath of fresh air to anyone wanting to know who God really is & how to do daily life with Him. In his message, you'll find a consistent affinity for the nature of God & a love for introducing people to a God far more good than most modern Evangelical thought gives Him credit for. Originally from Manchester, England, Graham now lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife, Theresa.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
A great help

I have been struggling with my devotional times. In the church world that I grew up in devotional times were performance based and centered on duty. This teaching is a breath of fresh air to a person weary of just having a functional time with God. It opened my eyes to see how much He wants to engage with me. I am learning how to be with the Lord each day and how to rest in His affection for me. I never thought that i could really enjoy my quiet times, until now. Thanks.

Slow learner

I'm not the sharpest tool in the tool shed. But Jesus loves me totally and unconditionally anyway. This teaching, along with a few others allowed me to finally get it. Now, if I wake up breathing in the morning I'm pumped. I have yet another day to walk, talk, and just be with Jesus. I truly enjoy the journey. If I wake up breathing on the other side of Glory then I'll be even more pumped. Where's the downside? It's a win win situation. Thank you Father for the hearts of men such as Graham who magnify the Truth that the voice of the Father is as a voice of many waters.....pure living water.........I suggest everyone take a drink......a huge drink of this CD.

God knows my journey!

There are no accidents with God. He plans our journey and orders our steps; then He walks with us to accomplish his desire for us. My prayer life and perspective have changed because of this message. Graham packs more truth and anointing into one talk than most speakers do in a series. This message touched my life on so many levels. Each time I listened to it the Lord would do something different in me. I realized He was making me road worthy, so that I could travel faster and better. Before I heard this CD, I travelled with trepidation. I was anxious and nervous, and definitely not adventurous! The biggest change in me is the confidence that I feel in moving through my world. I am excited and enthused by every twist and turn on this walk with God. I heard Graham say one time: It is not an adventure until something goes wrong. The real adventure is in knowing someone who can make everything right. This teaching brought the fun back in my life.
