Developing Your Destiny Mp3 Teaching Cds & Mp3S
Developing Your Destiny

Developing Your Destiny

An audio series by Graham Cooke that will show you how to cultivate your true identity in Jesus so your destiny can become a reality. (9-part MP3)


The plans of God are long-term, moving you out of the past and into a defined future. In the audio series, Developing Your Destiny, you will find incredible tools to understand the expectation of the Lord and cultivate your identity in Jesus. If you are ready to run to the brilliant destiny that God dreams for you, this series is the fuel you need.

Recorded in Anaheim, California in 2015.

Run time 7 hours 41 minutes


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Author to more than 20 books & a speaker on more than several thousand stages over the past 40 years, Graham is a breath of fresh air to anyone wanting to know who God really is & how to do daily life with Him. In his message, you'll find a consistent affinity for the nature of God & a love for introducing people to a God far more good than most modern Evangelical thought gives Him credit for. Originally from Manchester, England, Graham now lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife, Theresa.
